姓名:王小利 籍贯:四川绵阳 民族:汉 职称:教授 所在部门(教研室):公共数学教研室 办公室(电话):数学与统计学院709 电子邮件:wxl711@swu.edu.cn

(1) 2019/6至现在, 西南大学, 数学与统计学院, 教授
(2) 2018/8-2019/8, 美国威廉玛丽学院, 数学系, 访问学者
(3) 2014/8-2015/8, 美国威廉玛丽学院, 数学系, 访问学者
(4) 2012/6-2019/5, 西南大学, 数学与统计学院, 副教授
(5) 2000/6-2012/5, 西南大学, 数学与统计学院, 讲师
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 12071382, 基于个体的多尺度传染病动力学模型, 2021/1-2024/12, 参研
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 11871060, 污染物对河流种群生态系统的影响, 2019/1-2022/12, 参研
(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 11701472, 连续异质空间迁移策略对合作进化的影响, 2018/1-2020/12,主持
(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 11671327, 异质与随机对疾病传播的影响, 2017/1-2020/12, 参研
(5) 中央高校基本业务费,XDJK2020B050,干旱地区植被自组织斑图的生成与演化机制研究,2020/1-2022/12,主持
(6) 中央高校基本业务费,XDJK2017C055,考虑扩散和趋化的生物动力学模型,2017/3-2019/12,主持
(7) 博士基金项目,SWU116069,考虑迁移策略和进化的种群动力学模型,2017 /1-2019/12,主持
(8) 中央高校基本业务费, XDJK2011C043,考虑迁移策略和进化的种群动力学模型,2011 /5-2014/5,主持
(1) Tingting Wen, Xiaoli Wang, Guohong Zhang, Hopf Bifurcation in a reaction–diffusion–advection model with two nonlocal delayed density-dependent feedback terms, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2023,119:107080.
(2) Tingting Wen, Xiaoli Wang, Guohong Zhang, Hopf bifurcation in a reaction-diffusion-advection model with nonlocal delay effect and Dirichlet boundary condition, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2023,519: 126823.
(3) Tingting Wen, Xiaoli Wang, Guohong Zhang, Hopf bifurcation in a
two-species reaction-diffusion-advection competitive model with nonlocal
delay, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis,2023,Doi: 10.3934/cpaa.2023036
(4) Yu Hu, Guohong Zhang, Xiaoli Wang, Spatio-temporal dynamics of a reaction–diffusion–advection food-limited system with nonlocal delayed competition and Dirichlet boundary condition, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 2023,71:103833.
(5) Qinglan Liu, Guohong Zhang, Xiaoli Wang, Threshold dynamics of a cooperation–diffusion–advection model in open advective environments, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2023, Doi:10.1142/S1793524522501005.
(6) Xiaoli Wang, Junping Shi, Guohong Zhang, Bifurcation and Pattern Formation in an Activator–Inhibitor Model with Non-local Dispersal, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology,2022, 84:140.
(7) Xu Rao, Guohong Zhang, Xiaoli Wang, A reaction-diffusion-advection SIS epidemic model with linear external source and open advective environment, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2022, 27(11): 6655–6677.
(8) Baifeng Zhang, Guohong Zhang, Xiaoli Wang, Threshold dynamics of a reaction-diffusion-advection Leslie-Gower predator-prey, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2022, 29(9): 4969 -4993.
(9) Xiaoli Wang, Guohong Zhang, Bifurcation analysis of a general activator-inhibitor model with nonlocal dispersal, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, 2021, doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2020295.
(10) Xiaoli Wang, Junping Shi, Guohong Zhang, Bifurcation and pattern formation in diffusive Klausmeier-Gray-Scott model of water-plant interaction,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2021,497: 124860.
(11) Xiaoli Wang, Junping Shi, Guohong Zhang, Bifurcation analysis of a wild and sterile mosquito model, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019,16(5):3215-3234.
(12) Xiaoli Wang, Guohong Zhang, The influence of infiltration feedback on the characteristic of banded vegetation pattern on hillsides of semiarid area, Plos One, 2019,14(1): e0205715.
(13) Xiaoli Wang, Guohong Zhang, Vegetation pattern formation in seminal systems due to internal competition reaction between plants, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2018,458:10-14.
(14) Xiaoli Wang, Guohong Zhang, Lai Ju, Dynamics of an intraguild predation model with an adaptive IGpredator, Mathematical Biosciences, 2018,302:19-26.
(15) Guohong Zhang, Xiaoli Wang, Extinction and coexistence of species for a diffusive intraguild predation model with B-D functional response, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, 2018,23:3755-3786.
(16) Xiaoli Wang, Wendi Wang, Guohong Zhang, Vegetation pattern formation of a water-biomass model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2017,42:571-584.
(17) Xiaoli Wang, Junping Shi, Guohong Zhang, Interaction between water and plants: rich dynamics in a simple model, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, 2017,22:2971-3006.
(18) Xiaoli Wang, Wendi Wang, Guohong Zhang, Global bifurcation of solutions for a predator–prey model with prey-taxis, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Science, 2015,38:431-443.
(19) Guohong Zhang, Wang Wendi, Wang Xiaoli, Coexistence states for a diffusive one-prey and two-predators model with B-D functional response,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2012, 387:931–948.
(1) 西南大学2016-2018年度“优秀教师”
(2) 西南大学第六届教师课堂讲课比赛一等奖和最佳板书奖