姓名:刘贤宁 籍贯:四川西昌 民族:汉族 职称:教授 所在部门(教研室):微分方程教研室 办公室(电话):数学与统计学院309(023-68253135) 电子邮件:liuxn@swu.edu.cn

2000.09-2003.06 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院博士研究生
1994.09-1997.06 西南师范大学数学系应用数学专业硕士研究生
1990.09-1994.06 西南师范大学数学系数学教育专业本科生
2022.04-, 西南大学数学与统计学院常务副院长(正处级)
2018.10-2022.04, 西南大学数学与统计学院院长
2011.11-2018.10, 西南大学数学与统计学院副院长
2008.06- 西南大学数学与统计学院教授
2005.10-2007.10 日本静冈大学博士后
2003.07-2005.09 西南师范大学数学与财经学院副教授
1997.09-2003.09 西南师范大学数学系财经系讲师
1. 中国数学会理事、中国数学会生物数学专委会副主任
2. 中国统计学会理事
3. 重庆数学会理事长
4. 《亚欧数学学报》主编助理
5. 美国数学会评论员
[1] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于个体的多尺度传染病动力学模型》,批准号:12071382,经费:51 万元,执行期间:2021.1-2024.12
[2] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《异质与随机对疾病传播的影响》,批准号:11671327,经费:48 万元,执行期间:2017.1-2020.12
[3] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《病毒进化对疾病传播动力学行为的影响》,批准号:11271303,经费:60 万元,执行期间:2013.1-2016.12
[4] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《传染病扩散与进化的动力学模型》,批准号:10971168,经费:26万元,执行期间:2010.1-2012.12
[5] 主持西南大学中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目项目《人群流动对疾病传播的影响》, 批准号:XDJK2009B012, 经费:10万元,执行期间:2010.1-2012.12
[6] 主持教育部科学技术研究重点项目《传染病区域性与全球性流行的数学模型研究》,批准号:109132,经费:10万元,执行期间:2009.1-2011.12
[7] 主持人事部留学回国人员科技活动择优资助项目《脉冲动力系统的渐近性质及应用》,批准号:渝人办[2009]11 号,经费:3万元,执行期间:2009.1-2011.12
[8] 主持教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目《传染病流行和控制的数学模型研究》,批准号:教外司留[2008]890号,经费:10 万元,执行期间:2008.10-2011.10
[9] 主持重庆市重庆市自然科学基金项目《脉冲动力系统的渐近性质及应用》, 批准号:CSTC2008BB0009, 经费:3万元,执行期间:2008.07-2011.07
[10] 主持西南大学博士基金项目《脉冲微分系统的全局性质》, 批准号:SWNUB2004001,经费:3万元,执行期间:2004.12-2006.12
[1] Nurbek Azimaqin, Zhihang Peng, Xinzhi Ren, Yangjiang Wei, Xianning Liu*, Vaccine failure, seasonality and demographic changes associate with mumps outbreaks in Jiangsu Province, China: Age-structured mathematical modelling study, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 544,2022, 111125
[2] Yan Wang, Yazhi Liu, Xinzhi Ren, Xianning Liu*, A periodic dengue model with diapause effect and control measures, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 108, 2022, 469-488
[3] Yan Wang, Yazhi Liu, Lili Liu, Xianning Liu*, A periodic Chikungunya model with virus mutation and transovarial transmission, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 158, 2022, 112002
[4] Yong Li, Xianning Liu*, Yiyi Yuan, Jiang Li, Lianwen Wang, Global analysis of tuberculosis dynamical model and optimal control strategies based on case data in the United States, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 422, 2022, 126983
[5] Lili Liu, Jian Zhang, Yazhi Li, Xianning Liu, On the global stability of an age-structured tuberculosis transmission model with relapse, International Journal of Biomathematics, 45 (9), 2022, 5622-5630
[6] Xinzhi Ren, Tianran Zhang, Xianning Liu, Invasion waves for a diffusive predator-prey model with two preys and one predator, International Journal of Biomathematics, 13 (8),2020, 2050081
[7] Xianning Liu, Yan Wang, Xiao-Qiang Zhao, Dynamics of a periodic Chikungunya model with temperature and rainfall effects, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulations, 90, 2020, 105409
[8] Lili Liu, Xinzhi Ren, Xianning Liu*, A Host-Parasite System with Multiple Parasite Strains and Superinfection Revisited: The Global Dynamics, ACTA Biotheoretica, 68 (2), 2020, 201-225
[9] Yazhi Li, Xianning Liu*, Modeling and control of mosquito-borne diseases with Wolbachia and insecticides, Theoretical Population Biology, 132, 2020, 82-91
[10] Xianning Liu, Yan Wang, Xiao-Qiang Zhao, Dynamics of a climate-based periodic Chikungunya model with incubation period, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 80, 2020 151-168
[11] Yan Wang, Xianning Liu*,Yangjiang Wei, A consumer-resource competition model with a state-dependent delay and stage-structured consumer species, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17 (5), 2020,6064-6084
[12] Yanni Tian, Xianning Liu*, Adaptive evolution of life history strategies related to maturation time in seasonal environment, Ecological Complexity, 40, 2019, 100794
[13] Lili Liu, Xianning Liu*, Mathematical Analysis for an Age-Structured Heroin Epidemic Model, ACTA Applicandae Mathematicae, 164 (1), 2019, 193-217
[14] Hong Yan, Yanyu Xiao, Qian Yan, Xianning Liu*, Dynamics of an HIV-1 virus model with both virus-to-cell and cell-to-cell transmissions, general incidence rate, intracellular delay, and CTL immune responses, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42 (18), 2019, 6385-6406
[15] Xinzhi Ren, Xianning Liu*, A competition un-stirred chemostat model with virus in an aquatic system, Applicable Analysis, 98 (13), 2019, 2329-2358
[16] Yong Li, Xianning Liu*, Lianwen Wang, Xingan Zhang, Hopf bifurcation of a delay SIRS epidemic model with novel nonlinear incidence: Application to scarlet fever, International Journal of Biomathematics,11(7), 2018, 1850091 (27 pages)
[17] Yan Wang, Xianning Liu*, Yangjiang Wei, Dynamics of a stage-structured single population model with state-dependent delay, Advances in Difference Equations, (2018) 2018:364
[18] Lili Liu, Xinzhi Ren, Xianning Liu*, Dynamical behaviors of an influenza epidemic model with virus mutation, Journal of Biological Systems, 26(3), 2018, 455õ472
[19] Rong Hu, Lili Liu, Xinzhi Ren, Xianning Liu*, Global stability of an information-related epidemic model with age dependent latency and relapse, Ecological Complexity, 36, 2018, 30-47
[20] Yazhi Li, Xianning Liu*, A sex-structured model with birth pulse and release strategy for the spread of Wolbachia in mosquito population, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 448, 2018, 53-65
[21] Xinzhi Ren, Lili Liu, Xianning Liu*, A weak competition system with advection and free boundaries, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 463 (2), 2018, 1006-1039
[22] Xinzhi Ren, Yanni Tian, Lili Liu, Xianning Liu*, A reaction diffusion within-host HIV model with cell-to-cell transmission, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 76 (7),2018, 1831-1872
[23] Yong Li, Xianning Liu*, Lianwen Wang, Modelling the Transmission Dynamics and Control of Mumps in Mainland China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15(1), 2018,33
[24] Jinliang Wang, Xianning Liu*,Toshikazu Kuniya, Jingmei Pang, Global stability for multi-group SIR and SEIR epidemic models with age-dependent susceptibility, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 22(7), 2017, 2795-2812
[25] Yazhi Li, Xianning Liu*, An impulsive model for Wolbachia infection control of mosquito-borne diseases with general birth and death rate functions, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Application, 37, 2017, 412-432
[26] Yan Wang, Xianning Liu*, Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a within-host chikungunya virus infection model with two delays, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 138, 2017, 31-48
[27] Lili Liu, Xianning Liu*, Global stability of an age-structured SVEIR epidemic model with waning immunity, latency and relapse, International Journal of Biomathematics, 10(3), 2017, 1750038 (28 pages)
[28] Lili Liu, Xianning Liu*, Jinliang Wang, Threshold dynamics of a delayed multi-group heroin epidemic model in heterogeneous populations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 21(8), 2016, 2615-2630
[29] Jinliang Wang, Min Guo, Xianning Liu, Zhitao Zhao, Threshold dynamics of HIV-1 virus model with cell-to-cell transmission, cell-mediated immune responses and distributed delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 291, 2016, 149-161
[30] Xianning Liu, Jinliang Wang, Epidemic dynamics on a delayed multi-group heroin epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 9, 2016, 2149-2160
[31] Jinliang Wang, Xianning Liu*, Modeling diseases with latency and nonlinear incidence rates: global dynamics of a multi-group model, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39, 2016, 1964-1976
[32] Yang Wang, Xianning Liu*, Dynamical behaviors of a delayed HBV infection model with logistic hepatocyte growth, cure rate and CTL immune response, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 32, 2015, 575-593
[33] Jinliang Wang, Xianning Liu*, Jingmei Pang, Dongmei Hou, Global dynamics for viral infection model with beddington-deangelis functional response and an eclipse stage of infected cells, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 20(9),2015, 3215-3233
[34] Jinliang Wang, Xianning Liu, Jingmei Pang, Dongmei Hou, Global dynamics of a multi-group epidemic model with general exposed distribution and relapse, Osaka Journal of Mathematics 52(1),2015, 117-139
[35] Lili Liu, Jinliang Wang, Xianning Liu*, Global stability of an SEIR epidemic model with age-dependent latency and relapse, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Application 24(2015) 18-35
[36] Lili Liu Xianning Liu*, Global stability of a transport-related infection model with general incidence rate in two heterogeneous cities, BioSystems 126(2014) 41-51
[37] Jinliang Wang, Jingmei Pang, Xianning Liu, Modelling diseases with relapse and nonlinear incidence of infection: a multi-group epidemic model, Journal of Biological Dynamics 8(1), 2014 99-116
[38] Mingming Li, Xianning Liu*, An SIR Epidemic Model with Time Delay and General Nonlinear Incidence Rate, Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 Article ID 131257, 7 pages
[39] Yanni Tian, Xianning Liu*, Global dynamics of a virus dynamical model with general incidence rate and cure rate, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Application, (16) 2014 17-26
[40] Kaixin Liang, Xianning Liu*, Xinzhi Ren, Jian Li, The smoking model with passive smokers, International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences 8(2), 2012 310-318
[41] Xinzhi Ren, Xianning Liu*, Jian Li, Kaixin Liang, Analysis of a mathematical model for tuberculosis with immigration and treatment, International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences 8(2), 2012, 296-309
[42] Jian Li, Xianning Liu*, Kaixin Liang, Xinzhi Ren, Global dynamics of a n-patch SIS model with infection during transport, International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences 8(2), 2012, 275-284
[43] Jinliang Wang, Jian Zu, Xianning Liu, Gang Huang, Global dynamics of a multi-group epidemic model with general relapse distribution and nonlinear incidence rate, Journal of Biological Systems 20(3),2012 235-258
[44] Xianning Liu*, Lansun Chen, Extinction and permanence of a general predator-prey system with impulsive perturbations, Journal of Applied Mathematics 2012 (2012) Article ID 521729, 19 pages
[45] Lin Zhou, Xianning Liu*. Xin Sui, A Basic HBV Model with Immune Impairment and Cytokinemediated Cure, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Mathematical Biology, 3, 2011, 133-138
[46] Gang Huang, Xianning Liu, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Lyapunov Functions and Global Stability for Age-Structured HIV Infection Model, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72(1), 2012, 25-38
[47] Ting Gao, Wendi Wang, Xianning Liu, Mathematical analysis of an HIV model with impulsive antiretroviral drug doses, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 82(4), 2011, 653õ665
[48] Xianning Liu*, Xiaoping Chen, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Dynamics of an SIQS epidemic model with transport-related infection and exit-entry screenings, Journal of Theoretical Biology 285(1), 2011 25-35
[49] Shingo Iwami, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Xianning Liu, Shinji Nakaoka, A geographical spread of vaccine-resistance in avian influenza epidemics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 259(2), 2009, 219-228
[50] Shingo Iwami, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Xianning Liu, Avian flu pandemic: Can we prevent it?, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 257(1), 2009,181-190
[51] Xu Zhang, Xianning Liu*, Backward bifurcation and global dynamics of an SIS epidemic model with general incidence rate and treatment, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications, 10(2), 2009, 565-575
[52] Shingo Iwami, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Andrei Korobeinikov and Xianning Liu, Prevention of avian influenza epidemic: What policy should we choose?, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 252, 2008, 732-741
[53] Xu Zhang, Xianning Liu*, Backward bifurcation of an epidemic model with saturated treatment function, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 348(1), 2008, 433-443
[54] Xianning Liu, Yasuhiro Takeuchi and Shingo Iwami, SVIR epidemic models with vaccination strategies, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 253(1), 2008, 1-11
[55] Zhiping Wang, Xianning Liu*, A chronic viral infection model with immune impairment, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 249(3), 2007, 532-542
[56] Xu Zhang, Xianning Liu*, Dynamics of an SIS epidemic model with general incidence rate and treatment, RIMS Kokyuroku 1551: Theory of Bio-Mathematics and Its Applications III, 2007, 35-40
[57] Zhiping Wang, Xianning Liu*, A viral infection model with saturating expansion and immune impairment, RIMS Kokyuroku 1547: Functional Equations Based upon Phenomena, 2007, 191-199
[58] Shingo Iwami, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Xianning Liu, Avian-Human influenza epidemic model, Mathematical Biosciences, 207(1), 2007, 1-25
[59] Xianning Liu, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Permanence of a general periodic single-species system with periodic impulsive perturbations, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 24, 2007, 57-65
[60] Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Xianning Liu and Jingan Cui, Global dynamics of SIS models with transport-related infection, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 329(2), 2007, 1460-1471
[61] Xianning Liu, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Periodicity and global dynamics of an impulsive delay Lasota-Wazewska model, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 327(1), 2007, 326-341
[62] Kaifa Wang, Wendi Wang, Haiyan Pang and Xianning Liu, Complex dynamic behavior in a viral model with delayed immune response, Physica D, 226(2), 2007, 197-208
[63] Xianning Liu, Lansun Chen, Global attractivity of positive periodic solution for nonlinear impulsive systems, Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 65(10), 2006, 1843-1857
[64] Xianning Liu, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Spread of disease with transport-related infection and entry screening, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 242(2), 2006, 517-528
[65] Xianning Liu, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Permanence of the periodic logistic system with periodic impulsive perturbations, RIMS Kokyuroku 1499: Theory of Bio-Mathematics and Its Applications II, 2006, 147-152
[66] Kaifa Wang, Wendi Wang, Xianning Liu, Global Stability in a Viral Infection Model with Lytic and Nonlytic Immune Responses, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 51(9-10), 2006, 1593-1610
[67] Kaifa Wang, Wendi Wang, Xianning Liu, Viral infection model with periodic lytic immune response, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 28(1), 2006, 90-99
[68] Kaifa Wang, Wendi Wang, Xianning Liu, Global stability in a viral infection model, Annals of Differential Equations, 21(3), 2005, 427-430
[69] Xianning Liu, Lansun Chen, Global behaviors of a generalized periodic impulsive Logistic system with nonlinear density dependence, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulations, 10(3), 2005, 329-340
[70] Xianning Liu, Lansun Chen, Global dynamics of the periodic Logistic system with periodic impulsive perturbations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 289(1), 2004, 279-291
[71] Xianning Liu and Lansun Chen, Complex dynamics of Holling type II Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system with impulsive perturbations on the predator, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 16(2), 2003, 311-320
[72] Zhonghua Lu, Xianning Liu and Lansun Chen, Hopf bifurcation ofnonlinear incidence rates SIR epidemiological models with stage structure, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation,6(4), 2001, 205-209
[1] 赵敏, 陈兰孙,刘贤宁, 于恒国, 陆忠华, 张弘, 王丽敏, 非线性生态种群动力学问题研究, 教育部2013年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学奖二等奖
[2] 赵敏, 陈兰孙, 朱丽丽, 陆忠华, 刘贤宁,生物种群动力学若干问题机理研究, 2014年度浙江省自然科学奖一等奖