姓名:陈守全 籍贯:四川省德阳市绵竹市 民族:汉族 职称:副教授 所在部门(教研室):数理统计 办公室(电话):数学与统计学院708(13883345568) 电子邮件:sqchen@swu.edu.cn

1986.09-1990.06, 西南师范大学,数学系,本科;
2003.09-2006.06,浙江大学, 理学院数学系,博士。
1990.07-1996.07, 天府矿务局第二子弟中学校;
1996.08-1997.08, 天府矿务局第三子弟中学校;
2005.08至今,西南大学, 数学与统计学院。
1. Chen, S. Q. and Lin, Z. Y. (2006), Almost sure max-limits for nonstationary Gaussian sequence, Statistics & Probability Letters. 76(11): 1175--1184.
2. Chen, S. Q. and Lin, Z. Y. (2007), Almost sure limit theorems for a stationary normal sequence, Applied Mathematics Letters. 20(3):316-322 .
3. Chen, S. Q. and Lin, Z. Y.(2008), Almost sure functional central limit theorems for weakly dependent sequences, Statistics & Probability Letters. 78(13):1683-1693.
4. Chen, S. Q. and Lin, Z. Y.(2008), Almost sure central limit theorems for functionals of absolutely regular processes with application to U-statistics, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 340(2):1120-1126.
5. 陈守全, 林正炎(2008),随机变量序列函数的几乎处处中心极限定理.数学物理学报。28(4):747-756.
6. Chen, S. Q. Wang, C. Zhang, G.(2012), Rates of convergence of extreme for general error distribution. Statistics and Probability Letters. 82(2): 385-395.
7. Zhang, G. Chen, S. Q.(2012), Limit distribution of maxima of strongly dependent Gaussian vector sequences under complete and incomplete samples. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 41( 4), 529-536.
8. Shouquan Chen, Jianwen Huang,(2014). Rates of convergence of extreme for asymmetric normal distribution. Statistics and Probability Letters. 84(1):158–168 .
9.Shouquan Chen, Bo Feng. (2014)Rates of convergence of extreme for STSD under power normalization. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 43(4):609—619.
10.Bo Feng, Shouquan Chen. (2015). On large deviations of extremes under power normalization. Statistics and Probability Letters. 99:27—35.
11.Lingling Du, Shouquan Chen.(2016). Asymptotic properties for distributions and densities of extremes from generalized gamma distribution. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 45(2):188–198.
12.Shouquan Chen,Lingling Du. (2017). Asymptotic expansions of density of normalized extremes from logarithmic general error distribution, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46(7): 3459-3478.
13.Lvyun Zhang, Shouquan Chen.(2023) A class of location invariant estimators for heavy tailed distributions. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 52(3): 896-917.
1. 2000-2002学年度西南师范大学优秀教师;
2. 2008-2009学年度西南大学优秀实习指导教师;
3. 2018-2020学年度西南大学优秀教师。