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Richard Moeckel 教授学术报告-2月28日
发布时间:2019-02-26 00:00  作者: 本站原创  初审:  复审:  来源:本站原创  浏览次数:


报告题目:Two dimensional examples of the Jacobi-Maupertuis metric

报告人: Richard Moeckel教授 (明尼苏达大学)




报告摘要:The orbits of a Hamiltonian system on a fixed energy level can be viewed as geodesics of the corresponding Jacobi-Mauptertuis metric on the configuration space. For systems of two degrees of freedom, this is a metric on the two-dimensional configuration space. In this talk I will look at some simple examples from celestial mechanics, starting with the Kepler problem and moving on to the collinear and isosceles three-body problems. I will look at the problem of visualizing the Kepler surface by embedding it in Euclidean space and discuss questions about length-minimizing geodesics for the three-body problems.

报告人简介:Richard Moeckel, 美国明尼苏达大学教授,天体力学领域国际有名的数学家。主持过多项美国自然科学基金,在Inventiones Mathematicae, Trans AMS, SIAM Review, JDE等一流杂志上发表科研论文四十余篇。
