报告题目:Mathematics Conceptual Knowledge for Teaching (MCKT)- Helping Pre-service Teachers Know Mathematics Well Enough for Teaching
报告人:美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University) 李业平教授
邀请人:宋乃庆教授 主持人:李忠如研究员
摘要:What should pre-service teachers know and be able to do to be ready for their professional career in mathematics teaching? This is not a trivial question, but it is a crucial one for all of those who are responsible for teachers’ preparation in mathematics. It merits more research attention. In this talk, I propose mathematics conceptual knowledge for teaching (MCKT) as the core of pre-service teachers’ professional competency that can and should be developed in teacher preparation programs. Specifications of MCKT are discussed and examples in elementary school mathematics are provided from our on-going project at Texas A&M, that aims to help improve mathematical preparation for pre-service elementary teachers, to illustrate different components of MCKT.
个人简介:李业平,美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)教学与文化系教授,博士毕业于美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh),主要从事数学教育, STEM教育和教师教育研究。全美教育研究学会会员,美国数学教师理事会会员,全美教育研究学会数学教育研究特别兴趣组会员,美国学校科学和数学学会会员,国际数学教育心理学协会会员,国际数学教育心理学协会北美分会会员。《STEM教育研究》杂志主编(Springer出版)、《国际STEM教育》杂志主编(Springer出版)。受邀参加多次美国、国际大型学术会议做报告、发言或主持小组讨论,并在美国,加拿大,中国大陆,韩国,香港,澳门,台湾,新西兰,丹麦,墨西哥,马来西亚等多地进行学术交流。自2008年来出版发表学术著作12部,主编学术杂志专刊4期,论文近100篇。