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发布时间:2024-06-19 09:37  作者: 张天然  编辑:科研秘书  审核:唐宇  来源:本站原创  浏览次数:


报告题目A stage-structured mathematical model for fish stock with harvesting

报告人:袁沅 教授(加拿纽芬兰纪念

负责人:张天然 教授

报告时间:2024年06月22日(星期六)上午10: 00-11: 00



摘要In this talk, we propose a mathematical model for a single species fish stock with a three-stage structure: Juveniles, small adults, and large adults with two harvesting strategies for mature classes, maturity, and size selectivities. The purpose of the work is to investigate the dynamical behavior of the model and discuss the effect of harvesting. We identify the adult reproduction number RA for the model; obtain the local and global stability of the trivial equilibrium when RA < 1; and discuss the population persistence and existence of a unique positive equilibrium when RA > 1. Numerical simulations are provided to investigate the influence of harvesting functions, discuss the optimal harvesting rates, and explore the effect of periodic coefficients on the dynamical system.

个人简介:袁沅,加拿纽芬兰纪念学数学与统计系终正教授、博⼠⽣导师。主要研究向包括线性动系统的稳定性及分分析、时滞微分程及其在/态数学,传染病传播与控制,神经络等的应微分程的符号及数值计算法。在SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Journal of Mathematical Biology,  Journal of Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 等主要应数学及物数学杂志发表论多篇。