报告题目:Equidistribution, gamma-positivity and bijection on descents in the Coxeter group of type B
报告摘要:This talk is mainly focus on Eulerian distribution in the Coxeter group of type B. Using combinatorial constructions, we find that the joint distribution of descents and inverse descents is the same for two different total orders, and we also establish a bijection to confirm this observation. In addition, we prove that the Eulerian distribution on the fixed-point free involutions of the Coxeter group of type B is gamma-positive.
报告人简介:李振坤,重庆邮电大学理学院,讲师,研究生导师。博士毕业于南开大学组合数学中心,师从陈永川院士。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,相关工作发表在European J. Combin., Ramanujan J., Graph and Combin.等期刊。